Sunday, November 4, 2012


In the words of my friend Hunter,

"We live in a society that has it's head so far up it's ass when it comes to trying to have everyone be a saint, that it is causing legitimate issues.

If you have a belief, no matter how immoral or absurd it is nor how much it negates thousands of years of advancement in the human intellect, we have to "respect" it. I will not even begin to delve into the hypocrisy involved in acting nice to someone who's religious beliefs contradict yours. When your religion (Which is almost every single one out there, even Buddhism in certain ways) promotes an intolerance toward another belief or idealism, the choices you have are either to not follow your religion and tolerate them anyways, or express the fact that their views contradict yours and say EXACTLY what you have on your mind... And I say that primarily due to how many religions conform to the stereotype of having it's followers atleast ATTEMPT to spread the religion to nonbelievers.

Racism and Sexism in our society is a big "no-no", yet there is such a double standard on it we might as well not even bother chastising people for it anyways. Due to how it's come to be viewed, any race other than Caucasian is seen as impossible to classify as racist. Only white people are viable of being accused of racism. The same applies to sexism. Generally, when you think of sexism, you think of men, don't you. Not women. Oh no, that's ludicrous.

The poor are to be pitied, but by consequence, we are indoctrinated into the idea that the rich are the equivalent of Hades, Luscifer, and Cthulu. We are taught to believe this bullshit where you are only rich if you are a Conservative Republican that inherited all their money. Money is just fucking evil isn't it? So then people vote for people who promise to put heavy taxes on these people, even if these people went from poor to rich and actually EARNED their way to the top.

Not to mention, our society is taught to discriminate against the whole, and not specific parts. Rather than saying "The oil company is made up of greedy bastards", our society says "rich people are made up of greedy bastards".
Did you know that a good 70% of these "Fat rich slobs" provide services you practically live off of, not to mention another good percentage is actually out there to help you?

Oh yeah, markets in financial aid actually exist.
In fact, that's where MY family background comes from.
But that doesn't matter, everyone else felt perfectly fine with letting the government dig their greedy hands into our pockets. Why? Because we were "rich".
And money is clearly what makes people happy, not friendship, love, or hobbies.

Our society fucking REVOLVES around intolerance, not tolerance.
How? It' because we aren't taught to respect EVERYONE, we are taught to respect CERTAIN people and to despise the other prospects.

So get off your high horse people, you're no better than the people you're bickering about."

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