Saturday, August 11, 2012

A New Plan

I'll be losing weight. I'll be exercising every other day, possibly every day. I need to lose weight. I weigh 273lbs and I stand 5 feet 8 inches tall. I eat once to twice a day. I'm going to be going on a diet. Eating three times a day, and only 800 calories per day, walking every day for around 2 hours. I can do it. I want to lose 30lbs in three months. 10lbs a month is a good goal, right?  So, I think I can do it. I just need to buy a new scale. A digital one that shows decimals. Because you can get easily discouraged if you have a regular scale, and it's says you didn't lose weight, when you really did.

I'm thinking of posting pictures of myself, you know, my belly and stuff. When it's noticable, anyways. I really only want to lose about.. 60lbs. Then I'd be considered to be at a healthy weight. I'm currently at a BMI of 41.5. If I lose about.. 15% of my body weight, then I'd have a healthy BMI. A healthy BMI for women is ranged from 18.5 to 24.9.

It'll take me 6 months to do it, but it's so fucking worth it.

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